Singing Guide: The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar

Singing Guide: The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Hey there, in this article, we'll learn how to sing like The Weeknd and Kendrick Lamar. Both artists have unique styles, and we'll focus on their essential techniques and popular tracks where they exhibit their vocal prowess. We'll also recommend some Singing Carrots resources to help you achieve their sound.

The Weeknd:

The Weeknd is known for his high-pitched, breathy falsetto and the extensive vocal range, from baritone to falsetto. The key to singing like The Weeknd is to use proper breath control to hit those high and low notes. Start with the Singing Carrots breath support article and the breathing exercise video.

To master his breathy falsetto, practice the humming exercise in the Singing Carrots vocal training game. Then, proceed to sing high notes properly.

Some tracks to showcase The Weeknd's signature sound and vocal versatility are "Blinding Lights," "Save Your Tears," and "Earned It."

Kendrick Lamar:

Kendrick Lamar is a rapper, but he has displayed his singing talent in several tracks. He is known for his clean falsetto, vibrato, and unique phrasing. The key to singing like Kendrick is to incorporate some classical vocal techniques into your practice.

Start with the Singing Carrots' breathing basics article and add the sustain vocal exercise to your warm-up routine. Also, work on your articulation to improve your phrasing.

Some Kendrick Lamar tracks to showcase his singing abilities are "LOYALTY.," "LOVE.," and "PRIDE."

In conclusion, to sing like The Weeknd and Kendrick Lamar, master your breath control, improve your falsetto technique, and work on incorporating various vocal styles in your practice. Use Singing Carrots' resources for efficient practice and improvement.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.